Proudly Made In The U.S.A.

Air Traveler® 1.0 oz. | SinuSave®

Air Traveler® 1.0 oz. | SinuSave®

Are you a frequent flyer? Traveling can be stressful, especially if you aren't feeling your best. We have the solution for you. Airline passengers are exposed to notoriously dry air and close quarters, and those who travel more frequently are much more susceptible to nasal congestion and sinus pressure.

The solution is SinuSave® Air Traveler®

This formula is 25% stronger than our Regular Strength wash, with added moisturizers to meet your specific needs.

Recommended for use before, during, and after your flight. Choose SinuSave® Air Traveler®, and navigate the sky highway with clear sinuses and an even clearer mind.
